Transformers: Forged to Fight Wiki


A noted speed skater and general purveyor of hate, Bonecrusher oozes with disdain for everything and everyone, including himself. Based on his savagery in battle, one might be led to believe his only true love is dishing out pain and punishment.

Max Stats


  • Health: 970
  • Attack: 93
  • Max Rating: 248


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  • Health: 11276
  • Attack: 860
  • Max Rating: 3432 (sig 99)
    • 2864 (sig 0)

Game Abilities

Basic Abilities


  • When struck by melee critical hits: 59-90% chance to Bleed, dealing 67.2-89.6% Attack over 7 seconds.
  • Passive: Opponents trigger 25% fewer Evades per stack of Bleed.
  • Opponent's Special Attacks: Bonecrusher's hate toward the opponent grows. This raises his Attack by 100% Critical Rating on Heavy and Special Attacks for 8 seconds.
  • Heavy Attacks: - 70% chance to Bleed, dealing 45% attack over 5.6 seconds.
Rank Bleed Chance Bleed Critical Rating Special 1 Bleed Chance Special 1 Bleed Special 2 Bleed Special 3 Bleed Chance Special 3 Bleed Special 3 Bleed Duration
1 59% 67.2% 12% 59.4% 105% 47% 30% 129% 11
2 65.6% 70% 14% 66% 107.5% 52.4% 30% 129% 11 seconds
3 72.9% 75.6% 16% 73% 110% 58.3% 32.5% 144% 13 seconds
4 81% 81.2% 19% 81% 112.5% 64.8% 40% 178% 16 seconds
5 90% 89.6% 22% 90% 115% 72% 45% 198% 18 seconds

Signature Ability

Pure Hate

Bleeding opponents fuel Bonecrusher's hatred, raising his Attack and Power Rate while reducing the opponent's.

  • Passive: Bleeding opponents fuel Bonecrusher's hatred, raising his Attack by 16% and Power Rate by 7~30% per stack of Bleed. Opponent's Attack and Power Rate are reduced by the same amount.
  • + about 0.3% per level.
Level Power Rate
5 7%
10 8.6%
15 10.1%
20 11.5%
25 12.8%
30 14.1%
35 15.3%
40 16.6%
45 17.8%
50 19%
75 24.6%
80 25.7%
90 27.9%
99 29.8%
100 30%

Special Attacks

  1. Scorpion Sting - Side effects may include pain, paresthesia, and instant death.
    • 59.4~90% chance to Bleed, dealing 105~115% Attack over 2 seconds.
  2. Abhornado - A savage pirouette of claws and hatred. - 71% chance to Bleed, dealing
    • 47~72% Attack over 7 seconds.
  3. No Survivors! - There is no nobility in retreat. No bone will be left uncrushed. -
    • 30~45% chance to Bleed, dealing 129~198% Attack over 11-18 seconds.

Synergy Bonuses

  • Synergy-outgoing Allies - Barricade - +1~2~3~8% Armor.
  • Synergy-incoming Allies - Grindor, Mixmaster - 1~2~3~8% Armor.
  • Synergy-outgoing Enemies - Optimus Prime (MV1) - +1~2~3~8% Attack Rating.
  • Synergy-outgoing Forged to Serve - Megatron (ROTF) - Megatron has 20~40~80% chance to Stun his opponent when they reach 20 impair charges.
  • Synergy-incoming Forged to Serve - Megatron - Megatron's minions each provide him with a unique ability. In return Megatron provides +2~3~8% Armor.



Bonecrusher is "the master of bleeds", inflicting it far more often than the other Warriors. Being attacked, Heavy Attacks, and of his Special Attacks all inflict Bleed.


Do not use Bots that constantly hit with Critical melee attacks, or else they will quickly lose health from Bleeding. Since Brawlers have a low critical rate, they are the best class to use against Bonecrusher. Most Demolition Bots also have ranged attacks and non-critical melee attacks .

Strong Match-ups

  • Sideswipe and Bumblebee will be punished with every critical hit.
  • Agile bots like Arcee, Bumblebee, and Mirage are very likely to hit with critical melees, thus making them Bleed.

Weak Match-ups

  • Optimus Prime (MV1) can recover some of his health while Bleeding and attacking his foe.
  • Hot Rod will be less likely to Bleed if he does not Decelerate Bonecrusher.
  • Grimlock can Purify Bleed abilities, putting "the master of bleeds" at a serious disadvantage.
  • Optimus Primal - Bonecrusher will lose the ability to land Critical Hits and the Bleeds he inflicts will soon become an advantage for Optimus Primal’s first Special Attack.

Recommended Modules


  • Bot Crystals
  • Bonecrusher Arenas
    • Focused Hatred (3-Star)
    • Blood Bank (4-Star)
  • Punishment Crystal



  • His vehicle mode is a modified Buffalo H MPCV.

External Links
